Charlie Bravo (1980)
Darn good french war movie.
18 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let's say first that the film maker Claude Bernard Aubert is a Indochina war vet, as was Pierre Schoendoerfer. But his films are a bit lower than the Dien Bien Phu's director. They are cheaper, for instance this one. It is not a masterpiece, as was the 317ème SECTION. Bernard Aubert directed some films about racism, such as LES TRIPES AU SOLEIL or LES LACHES VIVENT D'ESPOIR, some good crime movies (L'AFFAIRE DOMINICI - his most famous, most daring, most ambitious, starring Jean Gabin, and L'ARDOISE - from a Pierre Lesou's novel) and some "nudes" features in the 70's, probably to pay his electricity bills...

Back to CHARLIE BRAVO, this is a realistic, cruel, fierce war feature, with unforgettable sequences, such as the one with the dying soldier asking for a bl..job to his own commanding officer, just before his death!!!

It's a sort of LOST PATROL scheme.

No heroes in this tale, where "brave" french soldiers slaughter a whole village to erase their trace. A tragic story that leaves a ash taste in the mouth.
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