Pieces of Darkness (1989 Video)
1.0 rating for many reasons
16 October 2010
I needed a break from the shot-on-video garbage I had been taking in, so I grabbed this Tennessee lensed anthology flick. I put it in and - BAM - shot-on-video. Oh well. Three stories here with the first two produced by the same folks and the third seemingly tacked on to make it feature length (76 minutes). "The Bootmaker" is about a Vietnam vet having an affair with his buddy's wife. He decides the best course of action is to off his buddy in a "hunting accident" and, inexplicably, make boots out of his skin (with the unique tattoos giving him away). "Choice Cuts" is about two brothers, Herb and Hymie, who run a butcher shop in the ghetto. Can you guess which one is the nerdy one? Anyway, Hymie finally gets it on with a girl and it drives his brother Herb into rage. "That's Showbiz" has a terrible actor (for the story and in real life) go to read for a mysterious producer and he finds the script mirrors his misdeeds in life. This one is totally worthless unless you want to see late 80s Tennessee captured on video. It has a solid 1.0 rating on the IMDb, which makes me laugh for some reason.
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