Empty Fuller (2008)
Only So-so
9 October 2010
my personal opinion is that this film kind of dragged on. The story was just not that interesting or ground-breaking. I felt like I'd seen stories like this before. Here were the things I liked: 1.) At times the slowness of the film made it feel like a dream which was interesting 2.) Some of the acting was pretty good. 3.) The cinematography was good quality, something I've grown to believe is rare with indie films.

Here are the things I didn't like (sorry): 1.) The story didn't always seem clear... it felt like a lot of talking to explain what was going on. 2.) The actor who played the lead was not always believable as a person with disturbing psychological issues... at times I felt his acting got in the way of the story. 3.) The movie felt long... its no longer than a normal movie, but it felt long which means I was anxious for it to be over.

I give this film a 7 because it is an indie film and there are obvious limitations when making a film with little money. I give the film makers credit for that.
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