I Guess I Forgot to say Thanks
7 September 2010
Superior entry, chock-full of colorful characters inside an atmospheric Barbary Coast dive. Paladin's got to get dipso, declassed piano player Albert out of the dive and back into the arms of cultured ex-sweetie Emily. Trouble is the place is full of tough characters, including the women. Seems too that bar owner Nellie, uh, "owns" Albert, as well. Then there's the leering hulk Big Jim who'd like nothing better than flatten our black-clad hero. So what's Paladin to do?

Director William Conrad does first-rate job mimicking a waterfront dive. It's essentially a single-set episode, so everything depends on keeping the viewer's attention on the one scene. Fortunately, the intelligent script, veteran cast, and Conrad's direction successfully combine. George Kennedy's especially engaging as Big Jim, in a rough foreshadowing of his unpredictable role in Cool Hand Luke (1967). Also, delicate Fintan Meyler shines as the jilted girl. The ending is surprisingly unconventional and nicely ironic for a 50's series that at times wanted to push the envelope, as it does here.
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