What Was This Suppose To Be?
8 August 2010
Was the writer of this attempting to do something quirky and off-beat with this film? I did not catch the first part of the movie...I tuned in mid-way through..but seeing it from the beginning probably would not have made much difference really. I kept waiting for it to be funny or interesting or for goodness sake...make sense...which is barely ever did. Harold...the dork/nice guy...who was in total love with a woman who really didn't seem to like him all that much...even though she did go on a date with him. He pours his heart out to her..but nope..it doesn't work.She walks all over his heart...right there in a sleazy Vegas themed motel room. Poor guy. The underdog who never wins. His lady-love is in love with a rock and roll dude..played...badly...by Dylan McDermott. A bad-ass he is not...and is about as suited to the roll as Pee Wee Herman would have been. Despite the long rocker hair and bad attitude..he comes off as 3rd rate wanna-be idiot. What woman would swoon over that? Seeing Gladys Knight and Phillis Diller in this farce floored me. How do filmmakers get well-knowns to do low budget junk? I kept thinking this movie was attempting to copy off-beat stuff like Tarentino would do...without the blood and gore. Again...it never quite made it there. None of the characters made you believe they were real people...it was clear it was make-believe. Bad writing, bad acting...bad everything really. The girl..Wanda...never seemed like someone any guy would be heartbroken over...I guess just being pretty and blonde was all it took to turn heads though...and all she did was wait tables..wow. I couldn't decide if Harold was trying to look like Clint Eastwood or some other country swooner...someone should have told him to shave off those unappealing sideburns...it might help a little. It was a very predictable plot line...the underdog gets the girl in the end. In between is a lot of mixed up junk that made no real sense. Some low budget stuff is great...this one is not.
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