What is the point of this?
26 July 2010
I'm always baffled why some people find the most dire comedies funny - 'Teachers', 'Game On' and now the hideous 'How Not To Live Your Life'. The character of Don is simply a straw man; he is a purely invented stock character with no development. All he does is say stupid things and act like a complete tosser.

This poor offering is incomparable to a stroke of genius like Gervais and Merchant's 'The Office'. Whilst David Brent may be a prat; he's a real prat. He's someone we've met before and we can cringe at him and pity him in equal measure. The character of Don is a nondescript cipher; there is nothing real or tangible about him. David Brent is pathetic (which makes him human and believable) whilst Don is beyond pathetic. The whole programme is one wretched, excruciating bore that makes me want to eat my own hair. Waiting half-an-hour for a bus on a cold, wet Sunday afternoon in rural Lincolnshire would be less boring than watching this execrable pile of dross.
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