Unique Teen Movie.
21 July 2010
Life with Ashley is the story of a girl (Ashley) and her quest to woo a boy by putting on a party and inviting him to come, and then spend the entire night trying to "do him". Her perspective on life is very immature and unique, she does not hold back in front of the multiple cameras, and is able to say what she is thinking before thinking about what she was going to say… constantly. This movie was shot on multiple HD hand-held cameras, using a mix of personal shots as well as 3rd and first person, at times the cutting between these shots seemed to rush some great moments and ruined many of the jokes in the film, but if you were able to grasp on to some of the humour in this, it is truly funny.

Has its own feel about it, although rawly shot and edited, it did have its own sort of weird appeal, the characters were honest and it is a very real perspective of a normal suburban upbringing, and your general summer week. I think it's great. The characters in this film seemed to come out of the woodwork and some of them possibly could have used a bit more development, but i cant believe the broad range of characters in this film (it had it all). At times it was frustrating because nothing was left to your imagination, the filming was intrusive and uncompromising. Any 17 year old that is able to film a week of her life without and feelings of self consciousness has more guts than me. See it.
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