A Village Affair (1995 TV Movie)
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13 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Alice (Sophie Ward) and Martin (Nathaniel Parker) have just moved from the big city to their dream house in a quaint village. Alice finds the adjustment to village life difficult and is depressed and unsatisfied with her mama's boy husband. Things get even worse when a pushy socialite (Kerry Fox) seems to make a play for Martin, when in fact, she's attracted to someone else.

The story is a good one, but I didn't like any of the actors; to me, they were bland and boring with the exception of the wonderful Claire Bloom who plays Martin's overbearing mother. Sophie Ward's Alice is too colorless and dull to care about and she conjured up no romantic tension at all. Kerry Fox overacts constantly, always making loud, pleading speeches when a whispered one would be better. I didn't like her so the story fell flat.

This BBC movie takes a good look at life in a village where everyone knows everything about everybody - not a good place to carry on a lesbian love affair. It's an interesting but lackluster movie that could have been better with a stronger cast.
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