Review of Outcast

Outcast (2010)
Incredulously slow, violently uninteresting Scottish/Irish horror
19 June 2010
Where to begin? Not only is that the question I have as a reviewer, it seems that was the question the director was asking himself for the first 20 minutes of this film. To call this film slow to start is an epic understatement. It uncomfortably squeezes it's way into a story arc, but never really doing so with a pace that keeps the viewers attention. After an extended wait we are introduced to our main characters, unlikeable as they basically all are.

The main character, although honestly the film barely commits to it, is Petronella. A girl from some kind of mixed race background, who, for want of a better word, is seemingly "easy". She meets the second character, this time from a gypsy family, Fergal. What follows is an incredulously quick, and exceptionally unbelievably whirlwind romance, wherein Petronella falls madly in love for no real discernible reason, and winds up trying to have sex with him repeatedly. However, Fergal's highly creepy voodoo style mother is obsessed with keeping him from doing the deed, so forces him to stay in his room. He gets out all the time though, but only when she's not around.

If this review seems disjointed, please, understand that this is what the film is like. You are introduced to characters whom you almost immediately share no compassion for, and are then forced to watch them form relationships that have no serious grounding. All under the story arc of Fergal being hunted by a random man, for undisclosed reasons. If it wasn't bad enough that the actress playing Petronella (Hanna Stanbridge) is indubitably too old to play a schoolgirl, then it's certainly bad enough that the gypsy magic sequences play out like a scene from Hackers. One party uses some ancient act by no doubt killing some form of animal, the other does the same to "block" this power. Who knew gypsy magic could be hacked?

Seriously, I won't even delve any further into this shoddy material. It was a waste of film, and left only one temptation at the end, that of leaving as soon as humanly possible. Grotesquely over done sex scenes, silly cast choices, absolutely diabolical dialogue. Even the chavs in the film are blatantly acting school graduates with Kappa tracksuits on. I wish this was better, as I often enjoy James Nesbitt, but he was wasted with a character barely given room to grow. Simply put, avoid, at all costs.
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