Thriller: One Deadly Owner (1974)
Season 2, Episode 4
Wonderful Memories
10 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
For the writer of "For ultra die hard fans of "ALL" movies only!, 29 June 1999" and the only other person who panned this movie: #1 "ultra die hard" either didn't watch this one or forgot the plot. The car doesn't kill people, it leads to the killer.

#2 Don't criticize the "video quality" because this was the early 70's folks and in England. Geesh! That's irrelevant as any film should only be judged within the context of what was available to the director at the time.

It was a great plot, special actors (early in their careers) and for people who can sit through much of the absolute trash being marketed as "film" today, where do YOU get off complaining?
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