A Little Too Bohemian
9 June 2010
The title of Brides Are Like That is a misleading one since the plot of the film turns on the behavior of the potential groom Ross Alexander. Potential bride Anita Louise is expecting certain behaviors out of Ross that he seems incapable of fulfilling.

Louise's parents are Gene and Kathleen Lockhart and Gene is acting in the typical Eugene Palette way with concern about his daughter getting hooked up with a bum. It bothers Joseph Cawthorn who is Alexander's uncle and only relative that the young man won't just go out and work and give up his Bohemian ways. Remember this is the Great Depression and attitudes like that are understandable.

In these Thirties comedies there is always a Ralph Bellamy part and in this case it's played by Dick Purcell. Someone halfway decent definitely could have taken Louise away from Alexander, but Purcell is such a sanctimonious drip that no wonder she prefers Alexander to him.

The main fault with Brides Are Like That is Alexander's character is just a little too Bohemian. And I can't believe there wasn't another alternative out there than Purcell.

Still the film has its amusing moments, mostly provided by Dick Purcell.
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