This is NOT a documentary...
4 June 2010
This is a shameful, fictional account of the end of times according to Christian theology and there is nothing "simple" or "unbiased" about this film. Rather than debate the argument fairly, the focus was clearly more concerned with epic and emotionally toned music, narration, and effects as opposed to offering a range of perspectives based on all of the facts for the viewer to decide.

The facts used as support to the film were manipulatively reported to be misleading, edited simply to support the obvious intention of the director and/or his producers. The main speakers of the film were theologians and authors of Christian fiction. I could not even make it to the end but up to halfway through the film there was no counter argument offered.

This film is fear mongering, trash-propaganda.

Since the beginning of recorded history we have had apocalyptic disasters of far greater proportion than anything we are in immediate danger from in our foreseeable future. Because our population is growing exponentially, no doubt there will be many more on even more grand a scale. One other thing however will always be true: Religious zealots and politicians alike, use these opportunities to extend or exert control of autocratic bodies all over the world since day one. It is quit easy to find unbiased information on these topics, oldest tricks in the book and they still work today...Wise up already.
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