I agree with this review 100 percent!
30 May 2010
Reading the other comments on here demonstrates quite well why we elect idiots to Congress -- the average American hasn't the brains to actually read anything for himself, and just believes whatever swill he is fed by the TV, internet or Hollywood. (I agree with your review 100 percent!! Even most of the Indian activists don't believe this fairy tale, and five minutes research on the Web puts the lie to this junk film. For starters, try the Wikipedia entries on Peltier and Anna Mae Aquash, who was murdered because she knew Peltier was guilty and his supporters didn't trust her to keep quiet. Peltier's attorney was named as a co-conspirator because he interrogated Aquash just before she had her brains blown out by AIM activists.

Then start reading the many links listed in those articles, and you begin to see how Michael Apted grossly slanted this piece of ....

I nominate this film for the Leni Riefenstahl Propaganda Prize. It's simply a fairy tale, designed to sell to mindless, politically-correct morons.
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