How I love a movie with beautiful visuals...
19 May 2010
I saw this movie when I was a child, but I didn't appreciate it as much as I do now. This movie was absolutely beautiful, it made me cry at the end because it was so moving. And I can't write this review without mentioning the visuals, they were simply stunning and that isn't a strong enough word to describe how blown away I was by the. Beautiful cinematography, a brilliantly executed storm scene and beautifully shot desert island scenes are definite things to like, and while the training and racing scenes have been done before they were done with so much energy and enthusiasm you are past caring. The music score is gorgeous as well, beautiful, melancholic, heart-rending but with a sense of adventure as well. The script is beautifully written, and there is a heart warming and ever so touching story in which a small boy trains a horse he rescued from the shipwreck. The acting is really good as well; Hoyt Axton is very good as the father and Mickey Rooney earned a well-deserved Oscar-nomination for his performance as the has-been trainer, but it is 11-year old Kelly Reno and the horse Cass-ole who steal the show just by their innocence and bonding scenes. Every moment they share on screen is simply magical. Overall, a true delight, a must see if you love visually stunning movies, I certainly do. 10/10 Bethany Cox
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