Classy and Hilarious
15 May 2010
I was lucky enough to get to see this witty movie recently at a Sneak Preview. . Its a different kind of comedy, its really more old school, very sophisticated and intelligent - adult type of humor, subtle -- like a Woody Allen film, not like Jud Apatow films... Very smart and you really have to pay attention to get all the jokes,. It all takes place at one restaurant in New York on one night.

Jeffery Tambor plays a director trying to get his carer back on track with a famous play he wants to produce on Broadway. But while he's at the restaurant to get the financing set up, ten million things start to go wrong, such as accidentally bumping into a sexy reporter who it turns out, he actually has an affair withl years earlier.

Form there things get more and more crazed and its a comedy of errors - mistaken identities and people who turn out not to be who you think they are, and lots of surprises Very unpredictable and keeps you guessing to the end! I'm hoping thus will be out in the theaters soon, I want to see it again. You need to see it twice to get everything. A lot of familiar faces in the cast and great soundtrack too!
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