Review of Necrosis

Necrosis (2009)
Good Film
10 May 2010
Friends spending a weekend trapped in a remote cabin is not a new movie concept. But, adding in a snowstorm and Tiffany, you will catch my interest! I watched this film expecting the worst, but actually enjoyed it for the most part.

I know a little of the Donner party story, and I thought the connection was a good one, if under-utilized. A few flashback scenes and vague mentions of them didn't really paint the picture of just who these people were and why they were coming back to haunt this cabin. But, I suppose that is part of the intent. We are never sure whether there really are ghosts, or if they are just in the mind.

The two main leads did very well together. There "romantic" scene in the power shed near the end of the film was my favourite. I thought they clicked well and having the film finally end on them, with the big question still looming about whether or not they will make it, left me thinking.

I was also impressed that the movie used Tiffany's song "Winters Over" for their closing credits. Little touches like that found in this movie make it stand out a bit from the usual fair found in this low-budget genre.
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