The Tomorrow People (1973–1979)
Even though its for 12-13 years I still think it is below par...
29 April 2010
Its a funny thing, I was in a record store and I saw this show there, and I thought...'A and E' made the DVD set so I thought it must be kind of a thriller...well, lo and behold, it was anything but. Really does not fit the 'A and E' criteria at all, as it is aimed at pre and young adolescents. Never saw it as a kid...maybe someone at AE (The Arts and Entertainment Network) thought it predated Star Trek so deserved to be a DVD-as it has a lot of Star Trek type of gadgets in it...well, it doesn't predate Star Trek and it is really quite lame-even for kids, in my opinion, maybe even could be called a total joke. The fact that AE put it out is more or less a joke also, and highly misleading, as there are no photos to reveal it as a bad kids show on the back of the DVD box. Didn't cost much, maybe I could give it away...but I must admit, I can't think anyone who would want to watch it.
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