Spook Busters (1946)
Bowery Boys #4
27 March 2010
Spook Busters (1946)

** (out of 4)

Fourth film in The Bowery Boys series has the gang graduating exterminating school and soon they're offered their first job. The boys must travel to a creepy old house, which is rumored to be haunted and sure enough strange things begin to happen once they enter. This entry in the series will have fans feeling flashbacks to the East Side Kids days with movies like SPOOKS RUN WILD and GHOSTS ON THE LOOSE. I'm really not sure what it is but the horror spoof is one genre that these kids should stay away from no matter what name they're going under. As with the previous two films, this one here is a very weak spoof of the horror genre and the worst thing is that the screenplay never really knows what it wants to be. There's some voice-over narration at the start of the movie that is clearly meant to be spoofing the various film noirs out at the time yet this eventually goes away and then shows up out of no where at the very end of the movie. The confusion doesn't stop there as the movie starts off as a spoof of the horror genre and quickly jumps away from it. After what happens in SPOOKS RUN WILD and GHOSTS ON THE LOOSE it would seem like the screenwriters would want to try something different and have the group really fighting some ghosts. Leo Gorcey actually doesn't take up too much here as his character is pretty underwritten for the most part. He really doesn't get anything fun to do and outside of the mangled dialogue he has pretty much nothing to do. Huntz Hall gets the majority of the "jokes" here and he takes them and goes way over the top trying to get any laugh. The supporting boys are all wasted and that includes Bobby Jordan who is pretty much just standing around the entire time. The final ten-minutes is when the film finally starts to pick up with a couple good comedy sequences. The first involves Hall trying to escape the bad guys by pretending that a ghost is forcing him to do things. This is followed up with a pretty funny ending where Hall and Gorcey must fight to get out of their trouble. Director Beaudine must have been really bored here because there's not an ounce of energy to be had in the first sixty-minutes and in the end this is yet another disappointment.
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