Heroes: Chapter Eighteen 'Brave New World' (2010)
Season 4, Episode 18
Heroes fails to deliver "Redemption"
9 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately Heroes fails to deliver AGAIN! After the terrible third season I was hoping for some improvement in the fourth season. In the beginning the show seemed to be getting back on track. But in the end it was a plot less and pointless finale. The entire plot development of Samuel and his Carnival could be solved in (maybe) five or six episodes. It just seemed stretched out by the writers over an entire season with bad Hiro stories and Nathan/Sylar/Parkman stories. There are a few episode which revealed things about the carnival and it's past and plans, but most of the episodes was just about every single Hero just visiting the carnival and then leaving it again. Most of the time the Carnival doesn't do anything. (another problem was that they kept talking about Samuel's plan, while in fact he really didn't have a big plan in the end) In the last 5 episodes there is absolutely no mystery or revelation and plot twist that made the first season great but this plot development was very flat and simple-minded. The writing was really bad. series recap: When I first watched Heroes it blew me away. The first season was great with the build up to the Sylar confrontation in the final episode. The second season started a little slow, but when Adam was revealed as the villain behind it all it started to pick up speed. Alltough the season had a lot of potential, it unfortunately never got the chance to finish it up the way it was originally planned (with the virus being released) But instead of finishing the original plan they messed things up in the last minutes of the season finale. The third season messed things up completely in "Villains" with the annoying Arthur Petrelli killing off all the cool characters and a storyline that was a rip-off from the 4400 (love that show btw). "Fugitives" tried to make up for the mistakes but couldn't deliver. The Fourth season started great with the introduction of the brilliant Robert Knepper from Prison Break. But I think the problem with this season was that the writers didn't really have a plan from the beginning. They just made things up as the show progressed. Don't get me wrong, I never stopped watching Heroes and that would prove that I gave the show the chance to redeem itself. But now with the disappointing finale of the fourth season (I'm so angry with myself for wasting my time with this crappy season and believing that it would get better) that I must say that this is the series finale for me.
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