Rob Williams, Matthew Montgomery Triumph Again!
8 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film settles around the topic of relationships, in all aspects, friend, strangers, family, love, (workplace for Eli - where there is no love lost - LOL) It also gives us views in the varying ways relationships work out. Past are the days of your soon to be lover telling of HIV or cheating, comes a new threat on the political front. LMAO was very funny. There are betrayals, forgiveness, laughs, sorrows - all the things that can make up todays complex relationships. And Rob handle them extremely well in a nice tight picture. (Be sure to pay attention to Matt in Eli's office - a very fun moment.) Matthew Montgomery presents a character that many can connect with even if they don't admit it. Moreover, the beauty in his performance is the transfer to that deeper caring man. Playful - compassion - hurt - loved, he tackles these aspects masterly sometimes with just a look, a stroke on the cheek or a smile. He has mastered that talents of acting with the ability to not say allot, but make you feel it all!! Artie O'Daly and Jeremy Lucas give fine support rolls as the side kicks friends and Bret Wolfe gives us a good look at the single side of romancing. After watching be sure to watch the commentary track. It was hilarious. Yes, I am one of the 5 to watch it. Have some drinks ready and settle in as you become privy to their thoughts. Halfway through you feel like your sitting with your own friends. This is a MUST SEE!!
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