Red Ryder (1951– )
Red Ryder on television
19 December 2009
The comic strip cowboy Red Ryder who had already appeared in newspaper comic strips, comic books and movies, was featured in two TV pilots of the Fifties. Jim Bannon, who had been the fourth cowboy actor to portray Red Ryder, did a pilot for television in 1954-55. In the copy that exists today, he talks directly to sponsors, urging them to advertise their products. Bannon had already done four low budget westerns as Red Ryder, in Cinecolor. It was on the basis of this series that he was chosen. He mentions the series later in his book, "A Son of the West." In 1956, Allan "Rocky" Lane, who played Ryder in seven Republic features also did a pilot. This film has also become a collector's item, often being on the same video as the Bannon episode. Lane had been a popular Western star at Republic through the Forties an early Fifties. With the advent of TV and the closing of small town theaters, Lane was doing character roles. Because of the number of westerns now on TV, many of which were geared for adult audiences the Red Ryder TV series became a casualty.
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