Review of Socket

Socket (2007)
Starts off badly but becomes genuinely disturbing
14 December 2009
Dr. Bill Matthews (Derek Long) is hit by lightning. He survives and intern Craig Murphy (Matthew Montgomery) gets him to join a group of people who were also struck by lightning. They all felt terrible--till they find that a jolt of electricity weekly makes them feel great. Bill and Craig fall in love and everything is fine...but Bill craves more and more electricity and becomes addicted.

It sounds silly and it was for a while. But the good acting and directing kept me in my seat and (as it went on) it started to work on me. The movie slowly gets more and more dark and disturbing leading to a tragic end. I saw this on LOGO so if there was any explicit sex or nudity it was cut out (Montgomery bares his butt once and that's about it) but the gore was kept in and it WAS needed for the story. This is no classic horror movie but Long and Montgomery are likable (and hot guys) and it DOES become very disturbing at the end. Worth a look--especially for gay horror fans. I give it a 6.
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