Boston Screening
20 October 2009
Last night I went into Boston for the first ever screening of the Boondock Saints II, and it was simply AMAZING! The long awaited, highly anticipated sequel to the cult classic did not disappoint, and we were lucky enough to be able to view it along with Troy Duffy, Bob Marley, Billy Connolly, Sean Patrick Flanery, and Norman Reedus. Fans of the first movie will definitely enjoy seeing this film and is a MUST SEE for any Boondock fanatic. Kudos to the cast and crew for making a film that stayed true to the original, yet realistically modernized it to reflect the years that have passed since the original release. Sexy, smart, funny, and action-packed, All Saints Day was everything you want to see in a great flick, plus more. A great experience! Highly recommended, so GO SEE IT when it's released! You will not be sorry that you did. This girl certainly wasn't ;)
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