Fascinating document of its time
9 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
As the fall of the Berlin Wall approaches its 20th anniversary, this very interesting film was delivered with yesterday's SuperIllu magazine.

Ten days after the famous Monday demonstration in Leipzig, a small crew from the DEFA studio travelled to that city and filmed, filmed, filmed.. 11 hours of raw footage, condensed into hardly one hour of black and white. Some live action (the garbage men removing posters, the full house serving as Neues Forum office), but mostly interviews with policemen (both higher officers and drafted young men), pastors, people in the street..

In a time where nobody knew how the political situation would develop, the uncertainty, frustration, hopes, self-consciousness of the people are very well documented. A must-see if you are interested in the ending months of the GDR. And yes, also in the exotic hairdos of the time... :^)
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