Review of Boot Camp

Boot Camp (2008)
This is the comment I came here to make
27 September 2009
Whoever wrote this script definitely had some inside info!

I thought the bogus diploma mill diploma was a direct reference to Miller Newton and/or Dean Vause www.the people/ medical-doctors/ newton/ newton-credentials. (the usual ending for a web page*)

But it was also unrealistic in that the kids were free to speak to one another, even the two main characters who were a couple on the outside. Neeeever happen in real life! And they could do things like walk on over and take a shower after the rape and talk to another detainee in private about it? Not so likely!

But then I don't think the general public would be able to wrap their minds around a true-to-life telling of the story. That was my thought about Over The GW. Great movie for program vets to watch with friends and loved ones who want a better understanding, but probably little general appeal.

So I'm glad they did it this way. I can easily imagine someone watching Boot Camp then calling up a friend who may have been through something like this and saying "Holy s**t, was it like that?" So it's good, entertaining drama with real educational potential. Hmm, I think I'll post this to IMDb.

But after reading a few other comments I just have to add some thoughts...

To jade angel: You say "now i'm not well educated in the field of psychology, so my lack of a PhD may lead you to disregard the last statement. oh well."

Well don't let it bother you. Check out my reference to Dean Vause. Vause may well be Missed Opportunity's employer and object of worship.

I think your observations and comments are spot on! However, I would not recommend that anyone send any kid, however ill-behaved, to a boot camp. I would suggest, instead, finding a relative who is willing to take the kid on. There are very few trained professionals in the troubled parent industry and those who are there are only there to make the regulators happy. They have no real sway in what goes on. Most quit in short order unless they fall prey to the group-think and throw over their training for program philosophy. So your relatives are at least as well qualified, less likely to be sadistic lunatics and more likely to give a damn about the kid long term just because she's blood family.

Here's why...

To (reads as a misspelling*) from Netherlands: You say "Different from this film's message, however, I see no reason to condemn institutes like these. No doubt the majority of its inhabitants will get out better prepared for life than they were when they arrived. "

Please allow me to introduce some reason to condemn these institutes and to introduce some well reasoned doubt into your mind. Just visit (the site referenced by tony above*) That forum goes back almost 9 years. The majority of posters there are program veterans (some say survivors). Judge for yourself how better prepared for life we are; those of us who have survived the program to begin with and successfully fought off suicidal episodes in the intervening years.

To Missed Opportunity: Oh.... what's the point. You're unlikely to listen to reason unless and until you and your wife can pull yourself out of the cult.

To james7344: Look out! Missed Opportunity may make frequent and sudden stops and there is a serious risk that you'll slip right up in there!

*the spelling Nazi bot is driving me crazy!
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