31 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think anyone read the script before they started shooting this movie... I'm pretty sure the guy who wrote the script for this movie didn't read it before this movie was filmed. This movie is horrible, I have nothing good to say about it.

This movie had nothing to offer anyone. There was no plot, the main characters were excessively retarded even for a horror movie. The demon was almost as dumb as the two kids. Nothing made any sense.

Why would the demon only eat some parts of some people? Why did he sew bodies together? Why did the cops not shoot he demon in the face at the end of the movie? Why did a demon drive a car? Why did that girl not know how to drive a car? The characters are not well done either. Their is no continuity between any of the characters. That retard kid was all over the place, the retard kids retarded sister didn't make any sense either. Their emotions were always changing without reason or explanation.

Lets not forget the f****** demon. I mean seriously, what a pathetic excuse for a bad guy. He can kill hundreds of people no problem, but he has trouble killing these two retarded kids, and in the end he doesn't even kill them both? I wanted those two to die, they earned it.

I'd rather fist myself with a cinder block than watch that movie again.
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