Sinister misogyny insults morbidly obese females
29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In a move that's surely warmed the heart cockles of woman-haters for decades, Foxy--the male hero of this cartoon--deals with the morbidly obese woman anthropomorphically suggested by a female hippo, and diminishes her to a quarter of her original size by impaling her with an humongous pin (which miraculously releases the "hot air" with which the animators believe such women are filled, in lieu of "sugar and spice and everything nice").

From the very beginning, it is obvious Foxy is not interested in having THIS particular customer as a passenger on his trolley. Later on, we see he has been reserving his public conveyance for a private tryst with his regular lover, who could be mistaken for Minnie Mouse. After her literal deflation, the greatly diminished hippo lady has no recourse, other than to walk away, muttering about not even having access to the BACK of the bus!

In a telling sidelight, the hippo femme deposits her furled parasol down her cleavage prior to her trolley-boarding attempt. It quickly drops to distend the bottom of her bloomers suggestively, but then disappears. The only moral to be drawn is she has failed to stack up as a female OR MALE-LIKE THREAT for Foxy, which is why he feels no compunction in erasing her from his world.
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