I'm going to Greece :-)
16 June 2009
I just got back from seeing this film at a local suburban theatre, and had a pretty good time with some light hearted entertainment.

You may ask me "Mister Blue-Ghost, you review war flicks and science fiction. But you don't review guy comedies, yet you seem to have a weakness for chick-flick-comedies... why is that?" The answer is simple; they're smarter films.

Today's corporate studios make so called male oriented comedies today that are targeted at middle school teenage boys. They're filled with offensive humor regarding body functions and objectifying the fairer sex. They're insulting. From "Porky's" (the grand daddy of them all) to "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". If you like groin kicking jokes, humiliating a women by ripping off her top, flatulence humor, and stuff that at one time was considered just plain rude, then avoid this film.

In all honesty "My Life in Ruins" starts off a little corny, but it gets some sea-legs and gives the more mature minded audience a fairly good ride. The story is a touch cliché, and the humor is slightly over the top with specific characters, but it's still a nice film about friendships and some humorous adversity.

My only real critique is that it lacks a layer depth that might've really pushed this film forward into the award category, but that's not its forte. It's meant to be a light romp through ancient Greecian ruins, and the tourists therein.

It's a decent date film, if you're so inclined. Take your object of affection to the theatre, and give the film a chance.

p.s. it's a simple little film, and not very smart, but kind of fun.
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