Review of Dunsmore

Dunsmore (2003)
Pretty Amusing White Trash Melodrama
24 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I once read an article in Rolling Stone entitled Death Of A Bully and watched an episode of American Justice that told the true story on which Dunsmore is based. In reality the man who serves as the model for the Ronny character was shot in broad daylight in front of scores of witnesses! This was a story I waited years to see get the big screen treatment and was slightly disappointed in the final product.

Dunsmore tries hard to be a quirky southern melodrama in the tradition of Slingblade, The Apostle, or A Time To Kill but instead it's just a rednecksploitation B-movie.

The actor that plays Ronny looks like the demented lunatic brother of Meatloaf. Watching the short stocky man bulldozing through situation after situation was also reminiscent of an evil Chris Farley, though I admit that his antics provided a great bit of guilty pleasure on my part, as did Barry Corbin's ranting beat down of him.

Overall, it should have been better but was still very entertaining trash. The ending was particularly amusing with the frustrated state cop, unable to crack the small town's wall of silence, imagining all it's inhabitants blowing off Ronny's middle finger and executing him in the street.
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