Frigid Hare (1949)
Nice Short
19 April 2009
Frigid Hare (1949)

*** (out of 4)

Jack Warner gives Bugs Bunny two weeks vacation so the rabbit begins digging for Miami Beach but takes a wrong turn and ends up at the South Pole. Once there he gets involved with a small penguin who is being hunted by an eskimo. Some will probably be offended by the nature of the Eskimo because of how he's drawn and some of the dialogue thrown at him but we must remember the times that this was made. With that out of the way, this remains a cute and charming short but it's certainly not a classic. The relationship between Bugs and the penguin is pretty cute and there are plenty of laughs to keep the thing moving. The action sequences aren't as violent as you might expect and the final gag is a good one.
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