Review of Detention

Detention (I) (1998)
A substitute teacher decides to take matter into his own hands regarding the school's worst kids.
7 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is labeled as a thriller, but it is anything but. It's actually a comedy with some thrilling and suspenseful elements tossed in. For those who have ever taught, and especially for those who have been a substitute teacher, you're going to love this one. And more so if your school is not unlike the one portrayed in this movie. The idiocy that is our public school system in cahoots, so to speak, with the legal system, is downright hilarious, even if for some of us all too real. And the reason why books are not used will have many laughing so hard it hurts. There are no very well-known actors, but maybe that's what makes it work as well as it does: We do not expect a certain performance. But the actors in this flick do a fairly good job, and everything is believable (see above comment of what it is like to be a teacher). A little jerky camera movement here and there, and I would have liked a tad more back story about Mr. W, but that's my only complaint. Nice ending by the way.
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