Uncle Boo stole my radio!
20 January 2009
I love this doc...HBO made some awesome docs at one point under the moniker of America Undercover. These days they don't make too much of anything it seems. There seems to be a short-supply of good doc ideas. I am all about Hookers and Crackheads and serial killers.Come-on get fine in 2009...bring back these kind of documentaries...I need to live vicariously through these crack-heads. I can't quit my job and start smoking crack like I was Janet from another planet (remember that lovely lady from this doc).This doc has everything you could possibly need a doc on crack addiction to have. Its got ex-fighters! Its got crack addicts trying to hold down jobs! Its got crack addicts losing jobs and losing loves!Yes was a piece showing my love for "Crack Street" and also a piece about why HBO needs to come up with more docs.
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