Tokyo Raiders (2000)
Fun and fast moving spy caper
12 January 2009
After being jilted on her wedding day, Macy (Chen) journeys to Tokyo to look for her errant fiancé Ken. She's accompanied by Yung (Cheng), a disgruntled interior designer (with kung-fu skills!) who's decorated the happy couple's Hong Kong apartment and is after his pay-cheque.

It soon becomes clear that Ken has been up to no good in Japan, and is in trouble with the authorities and the mob. Macy finds herself beset on all sides by people wanting to use her in their efforts to hunt him down. Luckily, playboy man of mystery Lin (Leung) is on hand to batter the baddies and rescue the fair maiden - provided no-one tries to damage his face!

This colourful spy caper from Jingle Ma is fun and fast moving. While the plot veers between baffling and boring, there's always a fight or action scene around the corner to keep you amused. The mambo soundtrack is a little off-putting at first, but you'll probably end up whistling it for the rest of the day.

Leung's physical prowess is respectable - plus he seems to be doing most of his own impressive stunts, and Cheng is convincing when he's beating on hordes of mob goons. Chen mostly screams and cowers during the fight scenes, but there's girl power on hand from Lin's team of gorgeous sidekicks, including the lovely Cecilia Cheung and Shibasaki Kou.

This is fun stuff and well worth a watch. Tony Leung is always good value, even in more light-hearted movies, and Kelly Chen is as lovely as always and - as a bonus - not too shrill in this one.
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