"There's a moment, just before the end... a moment of clarity, where all it finally seems to make sense".
11 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
SINGLE WHITE FEMALE 2: THE PSYCHO is in the same line of the first movie. The plot is similar, the characters are a bit different, settings too, but what really changes is the end and the way the plot gets its final disclosures.

In a certain way I think the first movie is better well done, because the plot flows more naturally and nothing seems to be forced, unlike this sequel, where some scenes seemed to be jumped just to be similar to the first movie (The scene where TESS paints her hair to red. It came out of nowhere - because they didn't almost even relate – just to be close to the first movie. The bar scene either, but here I must say the scene in the sequel was better done). But on the other hand I enjoyed more the answers given to this plot and the open ending this story has.

I must say I appreciated this kind of philosophical speech about the act of dying told by TESS:

"There's a moment, just before the end... a moment of clarity, where all it finally seems to make sense. I saw it in the ELIZABETH's eyes. I want it for me."

It seems a bit disturbing, but I found some deepness in these words!

This sequel might be a low cost production (it is for sure) but in my perspective it's not worse than the first movie. Also, it's probably more suspenseful, but here also contributes the soundtrack, which is more effective providing suspense to the film.

It was a good surprise, since I was expecting something worse...
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