Weak Wiccan wubbish!
25 November 2008
Take a handful of past-their-prime scream queens, some dreadful joke-shop make up, and a bargain-bin costume from the local fancy-dress shop, throw it all together with a messy script packed with magical mumbo-jumbo, and—hey presto!—you've got Witch House 3: Demon Fire!

Tanya Dempsey plays Annie, a young woman who leaves her abusive boyfriend to go and stay with her two best friends, documentary makers Stevie (Debbie Rochon) and Rose (Tina Krause). After an evening of supping wine in the hot-tub, the three women decide to dabble in a bit of black magic as part of Stevie's latest project, an in-depth expose on contemporary witchcraft. No prizes for guessing that this isn't a great idea!

At first this film looks like it might be a reasonably fun piece of trash; it gets its first hot-tub scene in fairly smartish (never a bad thing), follows that up with an enjoyably hokey magic ritual, and then delivers a welcome shower scene from buxom Krause. The fun stops and the tedium starts, however, once director J.R. Bookwalter tries to introduce his poorly developed plot, which ultimately proves to be nothing more than a weak tale of revenge into which a few supernatural elements have been clumsily shoehorned in order to justify the use of the Witch House monicker.
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