Review of Patsy

Patsy (2008)
Cool and Original Dark Comedy Indie
8 November 2008
I caught "Patsy" last week at the Ft. Lauderdale film fest having never heard of it, its director, or its stars. It's always a gamble viewing festival entries blind, as one never knows quite what they're going to get, but in this case I lucked out, and feel fortunate to have seen this movie "first," as I have a feeling it's going places.

The movie's really got a lot to offer, ranging from light comedy to dark comedy, quirk and farce, romance to drama, and even a healthy dose of the psychological; it reminds me of "Memento" and "Mulholland Drive," not in tone, but in that I've found myself thinking about it almost obsessively ever since the screening.

Without divulging too much about the plot (the less you know going into this one the better), it involves a depressed shop owner (played with some commendable understatement by producer Brett Golov) who gets entangled with a mysterious girl (a nice turn by Christine Lakin, who actually has a bunch of creds to her name--I knew I recognized her face but didn't know how till I clicked her) and...well...a lot of crazy stuff goes down involving hit men, amnesia, government agencies, schizophrenia, and a black box that may well have the key to the cosmos.

An impressive low budg debut from writer/director Anton Jarvis, I'm very interested to see what he, Golov, and Lakin do next, presumably with a bigger budget. Don't know when it's getting released, but if "Patsy" comes to an indie theatre near you, check it out.
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