Poor but with redeeming features
2 November 2008
OK: I haven't seen 1 or 2, so diving straight in with Witchouse 3 maybe isn't the best approach.

The downside:

The plot doesn't make a lot of sense - it isn't REALLY horror, or suspense

* Brinke Stevens has nothing to do apart from trying to look menacing * Debbie Rochon's character is far too "guarded", you don't really get under her skin and find out what she's about until very late in the film, making most of her appearance seem a bit wooden * Tanya Dempsey's character is not well defined, so again the acting seems lacklustre * Paul Darrigo's character is also poorly defined

So as such, I honestly can't recommend the film at all, except that I feel honour bound to say that Tina Krause demonstrates moments of genuinely good acting abilities, (given the character she has to portray), and what she really lacks most is some decent direction.

(No, I'm not a long standing fan of Krause, in fact I'd never heard of her before watching this film).

I'd honestly like to see her work on a major budget horror film, with someone like Stephen King, to see the extent of her acting ability.

You probably won't suffer by avoiding this film, but watch out for Ms Krause in case she makes the move into big league films!
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