South Park: Spookyfish (1998)
Season 2, Episode 15
Excellent episode...even beats pinkeye
17 October 2008
The Halloween episodes of South Park seem to be better than usual! Pinkeye is a very entertaining and fun episode, but this is better! It's very funny and also a good spooky Halloween episode.Some versions of the show are even in "Spooky Vision"(pictures of Barbra Striesand appear throughout).Now that could get annoying, but try to look past it and you will love this episode! Stan's aunt flow comes to visit and she gets him a fish.Only the fish is evil and murders people.Stan's mother thinks he did it and buries all the bodies.Meanwhile Cartman grows a beard and suddenly acts "nicer".The boys are shocked at this, especially when Cartman comes back without the beard and acts like his normal self.The boys then find out that a parallel universe portal is opened and all the pets at the certain store Stan's aunt got his fish at, are evil.Stan's fish and the "nice" cartman came from the other side.The boys must now close the portal and send all the animals back.Cartman also says "hella" a lot in this episode, much to the boys anger.Spookyfish is an excellent South Park episode.
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