I love this movie. And no, I'm not Master P's cousin.
11 September 2008
I've seen more than my share of bad movies. I've seen my share, your share, probably your dad's share too. And the lady who delivers your mail Monday through Friday, the one who sometimes waves to you when you're out waiting for your dog to take a shizer, I've definitely seen her share. I went to see Master P's "I Got The Hook Up" in 1998 after reading a review in the arts section of the local newspaper, a review not unlike the negative ones here on IMDb. It declared "Hook Up" to be the absolute worst film the critic had ever seen, and set about quoting some of the supposedly awful lines from the movie. It was upon reading these quotes that I decided I had to go see this flick immediately. If you laughed at "Friday", there's absolutely no reason you won't laugh at "I Got The Hook Up". It's cut from the same cloth and features a few of the same key cast members as well. The cinematography and overall look of the film are surprisingly impressive as well (the production value is actually better than "Friday"). But the greatest part of this film is the dialog and characters. At times, it almost feels like they cast hilarious people and just let them say whatever they wanted. The fact IMDb didn't have ANY "memorable quotes" listed for this movie tells me it is truly under-appreciated. I added several of my favorite lines in hopes that some of you guys might laugh and check out this film.
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