Review of Honeymoon

Honeymoon (1998)
The Best Film You Have Never Seen...
24 August 2008
I'm not sure why this film didn't find the praise it deserves, or a bigger audience, or a push from a well known festival, or a second chance at redemption from cable television, but it didn't. Like so many "unsold" indie films HONEYMOON fell through the cracks. If there is any film justice in this world perhaps IMDb will give this little movie -- a movie that should have been a career maker (just like THE RETURN OF THE SECAUCUS SEVEN was for John Sayles and Company) -- some much deserved notice. Rarely does a film with such a modest production value and unknown cast delve so honestly into sexual dysfunction and marriage with the unflinching skill shown in HONEYMOON. By no means is this film perfect. More than a few times I had a cringe response to the dialogue. If there is one thing (one expensive lesson) the filmmakers could stand to learn for their future efforts is that less is always more when it comes to dialog. What saves this film (from itself) is the brave, raw, and uncompromising performances of Edith Meeks and Dylan McCormick. Find this movie and share it with your film geek friends.
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