20 August 2008
Surprising how timely this movie is, with whats going on in this world. I would highly recommend it to any young man or woman who is thinking about going off to war.... you may think twice about it and perhaps be just as courageous as Ashby Gatrel was. It takes a strong constitution to live such a primitive existence and resist fighting for your wife and kid. I admire everyone involved with the making of this movie. It's important. "Wouldn't it be amazing to do what Ashby did?", those were my thoughts while watching this movie. "What did he do?", you ask. Well, nothing much really - and I found that to be amazing. He lives in a cave, fishes with his hands, and fights off a bear. He has a Pentecostal moment also, where he finds the Lord and runs naked amongst the beauty of the mountains. He sneaks a peek at a battle field, and awkwardly sneaks into his house to look over his sleeping wife and daughter. I think he was bored a lot, and I related. The movie ends in a complete melt down, reminiscent of my own. Art imitating life, or life imitating art? Who knows, but this movie is very close to my own life. Seeing that I'm human, this movie is close to yours also. Enjoy listening to the drums and bugles play.
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