Mrs. Pollifax-Spy A Yenta in Espionage **
31 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Nosy body Emily Pollifax wants to work for the CIA after she is widowed. A typical New Jersey widow, she is given some case.

She is supposed to get a book in Mexico that has important microfilm but the plan naturally goes awry and she is held in Albania with Darren McGavin as a fellow spy.

The film goes downhill rapidly once the two are captive in the land of dictator Enver Hoxha. They plot to escape and manage to do so despite the Albanian terrain.

As the film progressed, Russell really started to look elderly. She wears hats that could have easily qualified for Easter.

Any hint of romantic ways between Russell and McGavin is ridiculous.

The great Rosalind Russell should have been able to end her fabulous career on a much better production than this.
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