Twin Daggers (2006 Video)
Perhaps Richard Roeper's Kind Of Martial Arts Movie
31 July 2008
Warning all martial arts movie fans: Don't watch this! I wish there was a review or a clue to prevent me from renting this atrocity. I promised myself, I will not rate any movie with 1 out of 10, simply because somebody put time and effort into realization of such, and that alone deserves rating 2.

However how can you justify so much standing, sitting, dancing around in any movie let alone in martial arts or self proclaimed action film. Add to that: horrific acting, stupid script, terrible sound, fight scenes so hilarious for a good while I thought I'm watching a spoof, and editing at accelerated speed to cover up protagonists clumsiness in fighting skills. If they were to use any famous doubles you wouldn't had have hard time to recognize them at all.

I can only recommend this movie to Richard Roeper on the fact that he gave Ong Bak a thumb down in Ebert & Roeper at the Movies with reasoning that there was only 7 minutes of plot in excess to action. Well, Happy Birthday Richard, here is THE movie for you: Twin Daggers! All you can consume buffet of fable, followed by lengthy abeyance, to finish off with just a dash of engagement.
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