Review of YPF

YPF (2007)
Very boring and uninteresting people f***ing
31 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Oh wow.

Where do I begin?

Who would enjoy this movie might you ask?


1. Someone who's never and will never have sex 2. Someone who's never imagined having sex or watched a porno 3. Someone who doesn't know what sex is or that it existed. 4. Someone who's lived his/her whole life under a rock 5. And finally, someone who was involved with the making of this, making him/her oblivious to the fact that this film SUCKS!

About the acting, I cant really judge, and I wont judge the acting, all I can say is what they were acting out was complete TRASH and anyone could've played the roles and achieved the same results.

The script was hilarious, I mean that, this would've been such a funny film if the writers of it were actually intending to make it funny! But they weren't (or not that I'm aware of), and so it just makes it stupid, with the occasional awkward laugh. Speaking of the writers, where were they? And I don't mean that when they were writing the script of the movie, I mean, where were they during the course which teaches them how to write good comedies at writing school (or whatever they attended). I've seen a few reviews for this movie (some of the ones that convinced me this movie was GOOD), and one particular reviewer said that this movie created a genre of its own... Yes, it did, I'm actually torn between calling it the "comedy genre, which isn't funny" or the "romantic genre, which hasn't got but one trace of romance in it", I guess you can decide that though (that's to say you still want to watch this movie after reading my review).

Whoever created this movie has obviously had a lack of sex experience, or an abundance of very disturbing sex experiences (you decide). This movie makes it seems that sex is like a rocket science, or something so complicated that in times shouldn't even be done.

Reading summaries of this film, I thought it was be something original and good. It wasn't, well it was original, but not good, and just because something is original it doesn't make it good.

The characters aren't introduced properly as I forgot ALL of their names (then again, how could I forget their names when I was never told them?). And the couples weren't distinguishable (I got the exes and co-workers and first daters mixed up, which ones did you get confused with?).

Overall this movie needs to be left where it belongs, on the shelf. And to the people who thought this was a masterpiece, why not go out once in a while and maybe you wont just be watching the boring people f***ing with excitement?

One more thing about the script, seeing as the movie goes through each couple during the stages of sex it seems that at times the script contradicts itself. I picked up on a few contradictions (although there are MANY more, see how many you can spot). One that stuck with me:

Girl: Wow your so great, you made me cum 3 times. Guy: Cool... *Guy walks off, comes back to find girl not as satisfied as she said (I wont get into detail)* Guy: I thought I was good, why aren't you satisfied, didn't I make you cum 4 times? Girl: You did, its just that...etc etc blah blah blah.

This was just one, although there was more.

I think this movie should be renamed "Boring people f***ing" as that title would suit it more.

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