Olive's Bad Dream Puts The Kabosh On Popeye's Wedding Plans
28 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I think I've seen this basic storyline in another Popeye cartoon, but I'm not sure. Maybe it's used in other cartoons, as well. It involves Popeye asking Olive Oyl to marry him and Olive deciding to sleep on it, promising to answer Popeye's proposal in the morning. In the meantime, she has a dream, rather a nightmare, and the dream makes her decide not to do it!

Poor Popeye gets a rude awakening when, dressed in a tux and all, he arrives at Olive's door first thing in the morning.

Olive had dreamed that she and Popeye not only were married but had four kids. The kids are a terror, which is what sours Olive on getting married.

The best part of the kids' scenes were when they imitated their dad doing scat and when when downed some spinach to get back at their mom for a spanking. By the way, the young boys were named Pep Eye, Pup Eye, Pip Eye and Peep Eye. They were "a chip off the old blockhead," according to Mrs. Popeye.
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