Review of Ratatoing

Ratatoing (2007 Video)
It's like Ratatouille! Except that it's got a lower budget, it's not the same plot, the characters have problems, and it sucks!
16 July 2008
If anybody couldn't figure it out by the title, this is a blatant rip-off of Ratatouille. As anybody knows, movies by Pixar look like they take at least 4 pain-staking years to create, but this movie looks like it was thrown out in 6 hours just a few days before the release of Ratatouille, with the animators frantically hoping they could duplicate the plot with their only reference being the Ratatouille theater commercials.

The animation is god-awful; just picture Data Design Interactive attempting to make their first "interactive children's movie" exclusively on the Atari Jaguar. The characters move around so strangely, it's almost as if they have some kind of mental disorder. The cat that showed up in the official trailer moves around like an orange 800 pound bowling ball on cocaine.

If you think the dialogue would be any better, then you're wrong. Just picture Ratatouille with all the nice textures and remarkable designs simply peeled away. Then add more rats with different colors, disposable personalities, and awful dialog. The dialog goes two ways. Either they put no acting effort into some discussions, or they do and end up sounding like they have down syndrome.

For example, a mouse looking at a menu at the beginning actually says "This one looks very good... that does sound so delicious and it's exactly what I think I want tonight!" To make matters worse, the waitress says soon after "Okay, I'll put this order in the kitchen." Okay... when is the last time I've ever heard a waitress use those exact words? It sounds so awkward, especially since it doesn't sound like the actors are even trying half the time. Imagine if you were being mugged by a thug who leaped in front of you with a bat and then said "I currently want your money! I would like you to be in the giving of it to me or I'll be in the action of hitting your body with my bat!" If you don't end up on the ground laughing, you might feel sorry for this criminal. What's worse is the sudden mood swings the characters can have (due to the abysmal voice acting).

Since I'm on the voice acting, I'll say it doesn't sound like the actors are even trying; it's pretty much as if the good folks at Video Brinquedo kidnapped some tourists that happened to be in Brazil at the time, sat them down into a studio, and had them read a bad script orally at gunpoint.

So should you buy this movie? No. God no. Video Brinquedo made another movie. Run away as fast as you can. If you enjoy bad voice acting you might get a kick out of this, but the laughs will only last so long.
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