Getting Lucky (1989)
Lepkey the Drunk Leprechaun
18 June 2008
Back some 10 plus years ago, USA had late-nite movie showings, on I think Saturday may have been Friday, Saturdays and Sundays, but it's been so long I forget. Anywho, it was called USA Up All Night, and it show-cased some of the worst, some of the best, and some of the best "so-bad-it's-good" flicks out there. From amazing flicks like The Evil Dead and The Toxic Avenger series to movie's that are most probably crap like Loose Screws and Frogtown 2. Nevertheless what movie they were showing there was an audience, a very select audience who ate everything that USA Up All Night dished out right up. And the movie that I remember from way back in the day that truly left an impression on my fragile little mind was the flick Getting Lucky.

Getting Lucky revolves around a dweeby loser, who sucks at acting, I mean who's fallen for a hot cheerleader. Obviously with his loser status there's no way on Earth he'll snag her. One day while on his routine recyclable bottle hunt he finds a bottle with a little Leprechaun stuck inside. Well, Lepkey the Leprechaun who resides in the beer bottle is Loser's way to get the girl. Lepkey's only way of getting out of his alcoholic prison is to grant our Hero/Loser three wishes. And with a side-plot of the school jock/ladies man being a jerk to Bill (our hero/loser), the movie brings even more cheesy entertainment to the table.

Getting Lucky is most known for the scene where Bill is shrunk down to microscopic (not really that small) size and gets stunk inside his love's, Krissi's, underpants. With him grabbing onto huge pubes, and Krissi's orgasmic reactions, it's a scene you'll most likely never forget. Getting Lucky is a cheesy flick, with cheesy acting, cheesy laughs and cheesy nudity. But this is where it also shines, at least the movie does deliver this cheesy, "so-bad-it's-good" feel. The ending wound up going on for far too long, with some whacked out dude who rides horses by standing with one foot on each comes into play, for god knows what reason. But it was so out of left field it was kinda funny.

I'm glad I revisited this piece of crap film, and it delivered almost exactly what I was hoping it would. It was goofy, had some nice forced sex, which actually was pretty realistic if you were getting some in high school, and moved along a decent enough pace. I just hoped Lepkey would've been in it more and was more of a drunk. He wasn't unfortunately, he was just helpful, that's it. But whatever, if you remember and loved USA Up All Night and have the ability to watch this flick, I'd urge you to do so.
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