Very violent for Lone Ranger film
13 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
While I recall seeing the original Lone Ranger feature in 1956, I didn't see the second film, Lone Ranger and the City of Gold, until later on television. At the time of its release, I was in junior high school and had somewhat outgrown cowboy movies. However, when I did see it, I was astonished to see how violent it was as compared to the television version. First of all, you had Noreen Nash throwing a tomahawk into the back of Douglas Kennedy, who was running out on her. You may have seen that on television, but never on a show that featured a juvenile hero like the Lone Ranger. Also there is a scene, as depicted in the trailer on line, where the Lone Ranger turns and shoots a outlaw about ready to shoot him in the back. Ordinarily he (the Ranger) would have shot to wound, but not this time. The heavy takes a high dive off the roof. Tonto, although wounded, throws a knife right into the chest of an outlaw about to shoot the Ranger from ambush. It's true that the film helped to explain racial tolerance using a Indian doctor, posing as a white man, at a time when it would not have been feasible to take a stand against black and white relations, particularly since the film would have to be shown in the South. But these scenes of violence made one wonder where the censors were as far as protecting the image of the Lone Ranger. It was a very good film for its time and genre.
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