Review of My Lunch

Scrubs: My Lunch (2006)
Season 5, Episode 20
A breath away from perfection
28 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This episode starts off the way a good Scrubs episode does: Good laughs, depth and the usual Cox speeches.

But then something totally unexpected happens: Dr. Cox, the seemingly unbreakable guy, breaks. The way this is done is simply brilliant; first you'll get the narration of JD telling us he will be fine in the end (thanks to him). Still John manages to display the things going through his mind, without saying a word or pulling his usual way too obvious faces. The difference is HUGE, yet still "Coxican", and only by keeping his character static until this very moment could this have made such a great impact on the viewer, and give him the suspicion something really is wrong.

Then the beeper goes off, reality starts (and the brilliant song to go with it), and Dr.Cox crashes and burns. In no way have I ever been so stunned again and again. This is a legendary episode. It is a shame that at the very ending, when Zach is saying his final line ("the minute you go out that door .."), it becomes obvious that Zach just could not match the perfection and intensity that John had displayed for the past couple of seconds. But really, there could have been no other actor to do this.

Must watch for anyone who owns a TV, for maximum impact be sure to watch episode 19 before this one.

It really is a shame such things can only be done once in a series.

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