A Nice Surprise
20 March 2008
This movie was shown on Turner Classic Movies earlier. I recorded it, but couldn't remember why I had, but I'm glad I did. This was a pretty good movie - I wasn't that familiar with any of the actors (I had heard of Reginald Denny, but I wasn't familiar with his work as an actor).

Rose (Miriam Marsh) works as a hat check girl at a nightclub frequented by banker Henry I. Judson (Reginald Denny) and is engaged to ex-con Wally Baker (Norman Foster). Judson has been embezzling funds from his bank, a lot of funds. Assistant bank manager L.D. Waters (Irving Pichel) knows of this and demands half of the embezzled funds. Rose talks Judson into hiring Wally as his chauffeur. Wally catches Judson kissing Rose and Wally hits Judson and then threatens to kill Judson.

Wally "wins" $3000 in the lottery, or at least he thinks he does. Judson apologizes for his behavior with Rose, and, as a wedding present, gives Wally his ring. Wally rents a new apartment and buys quite a few things with his "winnings" for his future home with Rose. Their celebration is quickly ended when the police show up to question Wally about the death of Judson.

When Wally is being questioned by the police, he finds out that he didn't win any money from a lottery - the winning number(s) haven't been drawn yet. Wally who had Judson's ring at the time of his arrest, is found guilty of the murder of Judson and is sentenced to die in the electric chair at Sing Sing. Can Rose save Wally from the chair?

Yes, that's Walter Brennan working in the garage.
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